Angladon Museum
AngladonIn a mansion, works from the 19th and 20th century. Degas, Daumier, Manet, Van Gogh, Cezanne,Picasso, Foujita, Modigliani. The Angladon...
Musée Calvet
CalvetThe Museum of Fine Arts of Avignon: Paintings, sculptures, art objects from the 15th to the 20th century, in a beautiful 18th century mansion....
Collection Lambert
LambertMuseum of contemporary art of the great movements. Minimal art, Conceptual art, Land art and painting. The Lambert Collection is a museum of...
Musée Requien
RequienNatural History Museum founded in the 19th century. Valuclusian geology and fauna, is interested in almost the entire world of science,...
Avignon Bridge
Avignon BridgeThe St Benezet Bridge: The St Benezet Bridge, a major witness to the history of Avignon. Built from the 12th century, it is known all...